Element library
- Optical Frequency Noise Spectrum Analyzer (OFNSA) - INTERCONNECT Element
- SHG Waveguide (SHG_WGD) - INTERCONNECT Element
- NLSE Waveguide (NLSE_WGD) - INTERCONNECT Element
- Traveling Wave Optical Modulator Measured (TWOMM) - INTERCONNECT Element
- Ground Source (GND) - INTERCONNECT Element
- Toggle Switch (S) - INTERCONNECT Element
- Differential Amplifier (DA) - INTERCONNECT Element
- Root Element (ROOT) - INTERCONNECT Element
- Custom Element with user defined properties
- Scripted Element - Element Library
- Compound Element (COMPOUND) - INTERCONNECT Element
- Custom - Element Library
- Voltmeter (VM) - INTERCONNECT Element
- Voltage Source (V) - INTERCONNECT Element
- Voltage Reference Port (REF) - INTERCONNECT Element
- S-Parameter (SPAR) - INTERCONNECT Element
- Resistor (R) - INTERCONNECT Element
- Port Node (N) - INTERCONNECT Element
- Earth (GND) - INTERCONNECT Element
- Inductor (L) - INTERCONNECT Element
- Current Source (I) - INTERCONNECT Element
- Capacitor (C) - INTERCONNECT Element
- Ammeter (AMM) - INTERCONNECT Element
- Convergence Control (CVC) - INTERCONNECT Element
- Loop Control (LOOP) - INTERCONNECT Element
- Block to Sample (SPL) - INTERCONNECT Element
- Sample to Block (BLK) - INTERCONNECT Element
- Probe (PROBE) - INTERCONNECT Element
- Termination (T) - INTERCONNECT Element