This page shows the process of requesting the Ansys Optics 7-day evaluation license on the local computer running a supported system. The evaluation license will be installed and running on the Ansys License Manager. The license manager can be on the same machine as where you are running Ansys Optics simulations or on a different computer (server) on your network.
- The Ansys License Manager is required to run the license.
- An Ansys Optics user account is required. Register and log in to Ansys Optics with your organization's email. Free/web-based email domains are not supported.
- An Internet connection is required when using the evaluation license.
- Products can only be evaluated once and do not support triad redundant servers.
- Please contact your account manager or channel partner if you need more time or need to install the evaluation license on triad redundant servers. If this is your first time contacting us, please use our "Contact Us page".
- The evaluation license might remove existing Ansys Optics licenses on your server. Installing the evaluation license on a machine not running Ansys Optics licenses is recommended.
- Once installed, the license cannot be transferred to a different computer.
Installing on your local computer
- Download the installers from the Ansys Optics downloads page.
- Install the Ansys License Manager and Ansys Optics (Lumerical) on your computer. (Administrator access required).
- Open the Ansys Optics Launcher and sign in with your Ansys account.
- Navigate to "Solvers" on the left and request an evaluation license using "Evaluate" on the right of the solver.
- Or obtain the "evaluation" license from an "Application Gallery Example".
- Select "Local" or "Use this computer" when prompted and submit the request.
Notes: If you have an existing license and want to host the evaluation license on the same machine, ensure that the existing license is using the MAC Address HostID. If this is using the Disk Serial Number HostID, the evaluation license will have to be hosted on a different computer. - The license file will be saved in your "Downloads" folder. You can also save the license file in a different folder. A copy of the license file will be emailed to you. Check your spam/junk mailbox.
- Open the Ansys License Management Center and "Add a license file"
- Configure the Lumerical license settings to obtain the license from the Server: 'localhost' on the 'Default' Port.
- Apply and Restart the Launcher to save your settings.
Running on a different computer
This process is for requesting an evaluation license where the Ansys license manager and Lumerical will be running on a different machine. e.g. where the machine does not have an Internet connection.
- Install both Ansys License Manager and Ansys Lumerical on the machine without Internet access.
- Obtain the HostID information of the machine without Internet access.
Request and obtain the license from a machine with Internet connection
- Download and install Ansys Optics (Lumerical) on a computer where you have Internet access. (Administrator access required).
- Open the Ansys Optics Launcher and sign in with your Ansys account.
- Navigate to "Solvers" on the left and request an evaluation license using "Evaluate" on the right of the solver.
- Or obtain the evaluation license from an "Application Gallery Example". (see images above)
- Select "Remote" or "Use another computer" when requesting the evaluation license from your local computer and not the license server machine.
- Enter the "Hostname" and "HostID information" of the machine without Internet access and "submit" your request.
- The license file will be saved into the "Downloads" folder or save the license file when prompted and copy this to your license server. A copy of the license file will also be emailed to you.
- Copy the license file to the machine without Internet access.
- Add the license file into the Ansys license manager on the machine without Internet access and run Lumerical on the machine.
- Obtain the license from the same machine using 'localhost' as the server in the license configuration.
See also
Ansys license manager installation guide
Ansys Optics installation guide
How to obtain the license server's HostID information
Ansys license server configuration and license file installation