Copies a sweep/optimization/Monte Carlo analysis item to clipboard.
Syntax |
Description |
copysweep("name"); |
Copies a sweep/optimization/Monte Carlo analysis item to clipboard. "name" is the absolute name of a sweep/optimization/Monte Carlo analysis (eg. ::optimization::sweep1) |
This example copies the sweep "thickness_sweep" to the clipboard and pastes it back to the "Optimizations and Sweeps" tab again. Please download the example file from the Parameter sweeps page Associate files.
copysweep("thickness_sweep"); pastesweep("");
See Also
List of commands , addsweep , deletesweep , pastesweep , addsweep , insertsweep , getsweep , setsweep , addsweepparameter , addsweepresult , removesweepparameter , removesweepresult