Sets a property in a parameter sweep/optimization/Monte Carlo/S-parameter sweep item.
Syntax |
Description |
setsweep("name", "property_name", property_value); |
Sets a property in a sweep/optimization/Monte Carlo/S-parameter item. "name" is the absolute name of an analysis item. "property_name" is the property showed in the edit window. |
For a sweep analysis:
Argument |
Description |
property_name = "name" |
Sets the name of the sweep. |
property_name = "solver" |
Sets the solver used for sweep. |
property_name = "type" |
Sets the type of the sweep. The value of "type" could be "Ranges" or "Values" |
property_name = "number of points" |
Sets the number of points of the sweep. The default number of points is 10. |
property_name = "resave files after analysis" |
Defines whether or not to re-save the file after analysis. |
For an optimization analysis:
Argument |
Description |
property_name = "name" |
Sets the name of the optimization. |
property_name = "Type" |
"Type" = "Maximum", "Minimum" |
property_name = "algorithm" |
"algorithm" = "Particle Swarm", "User Defined" |
property_name = "maximum generations" |
Sets the maximum generation number. |
property_name = "reset random generator" |
Checks the box of "Reset random generation". |
property_name = "tolerance" |
Sets the tolerance value. |
property_name = "first generation script" |
Sets the "first generation script" in the "Advanced" tab. |
property_name = "next generation script" |
Sets the "next generation script" in the "Advanced" tab. |
property_name = "use figure of merit script" |
Checks the box of "use figure of merit" in the "Figure of merit script" tab. |
property_name = "figure of merit script" |
Sets the "figure of merit script" in the "Figure of merit script" tab. |
For a Monte Carlo analysis:
Argument |
Description |
property_name = "name" |
Sets the name of the Monte Carlo. |
property_name = "number of trials" |
Sets the number of trials for the Monte Carlo. The default number of trials is 10. |
property_name = "variation" |
Sets the variation for "Process" or "Mismatch" or "Both". The default variation is "Both". |
property_name = "seed" |
Sets the seed. |
property_name = "enable seed" |
Sets whether or not to enable the seed. |
property_name = "individual trial" |
Sets the individual trial number. |
property_name = "enable individual trail" |
Sets whether or not to enable individual trials. |
For an S-parameter matrix sweep analysis:
Argument |
Description |
property_name = "name" |
Sets the name of the S-parameter matrix sweep. |
property_name = "Excite all ports" |
If property_value = "true", the sweep will run as many simulations as there are defined rows in the S-Matrix Setup table. If property_value = "false", simulations will be run only for the selected rows in the S-Matrix Setup table. The default is "true". For more information see S-parameter matrix sweep . |
property_name = "auto symmetry" |
If property_value = "true", auto symmetry is calculated and applied when possible (see S-parameter matrix sweep ). If property_value = "false", no changes are applied to the S-parameter sweep. The default is "false". Note: The changes made to the S-parameter sweep cannot be undone by setting property_value = "false". When property_value = "false", nothing changes in the current settings of the sweep. |
Editing added sweep parameters: In addition to the listed default properties of the sweep/optimization/Monte Carlo/S-parameter, any added sweep parameters can be edited by the setsweep command by setting the "property_name" to the parameter name. |
This examples show how to set a sweep/optimization/Monte Carlo/S-parameter's properties respectively. Please refer to the application example page Sweep scripting commands for detailed information.
addsweep(0); setsweep("sweep", "name", "thickness_sweep_script"); setsweep("thickness_sweep_script", "type", "Ranges"); setsweep("thickness_sweep_script", "number of points", 10);
addsweep(1); setsweep("optimization", "name", "thickness_optimization_script"); setsweep("thickness_optimization_script", "Type", "Minimize"); setsweep("thickness_optimization_script", "algorithm", "Particle Swarm"); setsweep("thickness_optimization_script", "maximum generations", 20); setsweep("thickness_optimization_script", "generation size", 10); setsweep("thickness_optimization_script", "tolerance", 0);
Monte Carlo:
addsweep(2); MC_name = "MC_script"; setsweep("Monte Carlo analysis", "name", MC_name); setsweep(MC_name, "number of trials", 50); setsweep(MC_name, "enable seed", 1); setsweep(MC_name, "seed", 1); setsweep(MC_name, "Variation", "Both");
S-parameter sweep:
addsweep(3); setsweep("s-parameter sweep", "name", "S sweep"); setsweep("s-parameter sweep", "Excite all ports", 0); setsweep("S sweep", "auto symmetry", true);
See Also
List of commands , deletesweep , copysweep , pastesweep , addsweep , insertsweep , getsweep , addsweepparameter , addsweepresult , removesweepparameter , removesweepresult , Sweep scripting commands , Optimization scripting commands , Monte Carlo scripting commands