This page shows how to manage users and their roles in the Ansys licensing portal. Role management is done by the designated Ansys Support Coordinator or Licensing Administrator for the account in the licensing portal.
Adding users
- The ASC for the account logs into the Ansys Licensing Portal.
- Ensure that you are working on the correct account as shown in the upper right corner, Customer Number. Otherwise, select the customer number from the drop down menu list.
- Navigate to the "Licensing Portal Access" on the left column.
- Click on "(+) Add contact"
- Enter the "contact's email" that was used to register on the Ansys Licensing Portal.
- Select the role for this contact from the drop down menu list. See defining access level below for details of each role.
- Click "Save" to save the new contact.
Defining access level for users
The contact's role can be defined or changed anytime by the ASC in the Ansys licensing portal. The contact can either be:
- Licensing Portal Administrator, who can manage the entitlements for the account in the licensing portal.
- Licensing Portal Viewer, where the contact can only view the information about the entitlements. It cannot manage or make changes to the entitlements.
Removing users
See steps #1 to #3 above in "Adding users" above.
- Click (X) on the right of the contact's role to remove the user.
- "Save" to apply your changes.
See also
Managing entitlements in the Ansys licensing portal