Guidelines to uninstall or remove the Ansys license manager from your license server.
- Uninstalling the Ansys License Manager and deleting the license file from the previous server is required when moving or transferring the license to a new server. Ensure that the Ansys license manager is uninstalled and the associated license files are deleted from the server as shown below.
- The process will require root or administrator privilege.
- This article uses the default installation directory of the Ansys License Manager.
Uninstall on Windows
Follow these steps on the license server machine. Commands shown are run with an "elevated" command prompt.
- Stop the Ansys License Manager in the Ansys license management center.
- Then open a Windows command prompt as "Administrator" and run the following:
Stop and Delete the Ansys License Manager 2024 R1 and newer:
sc stop "ANSYS, Inc. License Manager CVD"
sc delete "ANSYS, Inc. License Manager CVD" -
Stop and Delete older versions of the Ansys license manager:
sc stop "ANSYS, Inc. License Manager"
sc delete "ANSYS, Inc. License Manager" -
Stop and Delete the Ansys licensing Tomcat service :
sc stop "ANSYSLicensingTomcat"
sc delete "ANSYSLicensingTomcat"
Stop and Delete the Ansys License Manager 2024 R1 and newer:
- Verify that the following services are no longer running or available on Windows "Services". Otherwise, reboot the machine and do the above steps again and ensure the following are no longer shown in Windows "Services".
ANSYS, Inc. License Manager
ANSYS Licensing Tomcat
- Copy and save the license (.lic) files from the folder "license_files" folder if you are re-installing the Ansys license manager on the same machine.
"C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\Shared Files\Licensing\license_files"
- Delete the "Licensing" subdirectory. Run the command below from the Windows command prompt with Administrator privileges. Note: This will delete the license files for the machine.
rmdir /S "C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\Shared Files\Licensing"
- Remove the Ansys License Manager folder from the Start menu,
rmdir /S "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\ANSYS Inc. License Manager"
- Remove the ANSYSLIC_DIR and the ANSYSLIC_SYSDIR environment variables, if these were set.
Uninstall on Linux
Follow these steps on the license server machine. The steps shown is for the default installation process of the Ansys LM (root access is required).
- Stop the Ansys License Manager in the Ansys license management center
- Run the following in the Terminal:
Stop the Ansys license manager 2024 R1 and newer,
sudo /ansys_inc/shared_files/licensing/stop_ansyslmd
Stopping older versions of the Ansys license manager:
sudo /ansys_inc/shared_files/licensing/stop_ansysli
Stop the Ansys Tomcat server process:
sudo /ansys_inc/shared_files/licensing/stop_lmcenter
Stop the Ansys license manager 2024 R1 and newer,
- Copy and save the license (.lic) files from the folder if you will be re-installing the Ansys license manager on the same machine.
- Delete the "licensing" subdirectory. Note: This will delete the license files for the machine.
sudo rm -R /ansys_inc/shared_files/licensing
- Remove the Ansys License Manager automatic startup information by issuing the commands in Boot Time Startup Instructions using systemd*. Remove the Tomcat automatic startup information by issuing the commands in Removing Tomcat Automatic Startup Instructions*.
Note: *Access to the Ansys Help website requires an Ansys Customer Portal account.
Removing the license file (.lic)
- All of the license files, ".lic" can be removed by: (default install path shown)
Windows:del "C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\Shared Files\licensing\license_files\*.lic"
Linux:sudo rm /ansys_inc/shared_files/licensing/license_files/*.lic
- Otherwise, you can delete specific ".lic" files according to the filenames.