This article will provide quick guidelines for loading a library to Virtuoso.
Note: A Virtuoso library with symbols and CDF are automatically generated by CML Compiler. For more details on symbols and CDF, please refer to Manual Library and CDF Setup in Virtuoso (Optional).
Loading the Virtuoso/Verilog-A Library
Launch Virtuoso from a working directory. Then, open the Library Manager by navigating to the "Tools/Library Manager" option in the menu bar of the CIW window. Open the Library Path Editor by navigating to "Edit/Library Path" in the menu bar of the Library Manager window. From this window, libraries can be added to Virtuoso by adding their path using the "Edit/Add Library" menu option, or by right clicking the empty path box at the bottom of the table and selecting "Add Library".
The library path should point to the libraries. For users, the location should be clearly indicated by the PDK. Save settings after completing adding.
After adding a Verilog-A library to the path, the library should be listed in the Library Manager.