The INTERCONNECT reference manual provides detailed descriptions of product and solver features.
Related resources
- INTERCONNECT Learning Track: A self-paced course intended for beginner to intermediate users with a focus on providing an understanding of solver physics, simulation workflow, and data analysis. The "My first simulation" section is a great getting-started tutorial.
- Ansys Learning Forum (Photonics category): A large repository of Q&A content from the Ansys Lumerical community.
- Application Gallery: Find example files, simulation methodologies, and tips to help you get started quickly and easily. You can also browse the application gallery directly from within our products.
Schematic editor
The schematic layout editor is the graphical interface to the simulation engines. It is used to set up simulations, analyze results, and to run all scripts.
Element library
The Element Library in INTERCONNECT includes an extensive list of pre-defined photonic integrated circuit elements, including optical sources, measurement elements, and both passive and active optoelectronic devices. In addition, custom PIC elements can be defined with analytic or imported s-parameter representations via Lumerical’s script language or MATLAB.
There are 3 types of PIC elements supported by INTERCONNECT: primitive, compound, and scripted elements.
Root element
Primitive Elements
Compound Element
Scripted Element
Custom Library & Design Kit
- Custom Library & Design Kit
- Generate Custom Element
- Custom Element with user-defined properties
- Package/Publish Compact Model Library
- Install Compact Model Library
Optimizations and Sweeps
- Parameter sweeps, Optimization, and Monte Carlo analysis
- Parameter sweeps
- Sweep scripting commands
- Nested Sweeps
- Running parameter sweeps without the CAD
- Optimization
- Optimization scripting commands
- Monte Carlo analysis
- Monte Carlo scripting commands
- Monte Carlo analysis with spatial correlations
- Corner analysis utility