The Results Manager is a tool for viewing simulation data. The Results View window shows all the results for the simulation object that is currently selected, as described below. The Script Workspace works in conjunction with the scripting environment to provide additional GUI-based functionality.
When used in conjunction with the visualizer, the Results Manager provides a very useful and intuitive way of analyzing and visualizing variables and results through the GUI, greatly reducing the need for scripting.
Accessing Results in FDTD, MODE, and Multiphysics
In the Ansys Lumerical FDTD™ software, the Ansys Lumerical MODE™ software, and the Ansys Lumerical Multiphysics™ software, any simulation object that have results will be displayed with a symbol on the bottom-right corner. You can also check which objects have results using the havedata (FDTD/MODE only) and haveresult commands. When selected, results will be displayed in the Results View window (usually below the Objects Tree).
Accessing Results in INTERCONNECT
In the Ansys Lumerical INTERCONNECT™ software, the results can be seen in the results view by clicking on the corresponding elements, such as optical network analyzers (ONAs), after the simulation completes. Similar to other products above, the command haveresult can also be used to check which objects have results in INTERCONNECT.
Result View
Common to all Ansys Lumerical products, the result view can be used to examine results from simulation objects. The name of the available results, and the corresponding dimensions are displayed in the Dimensions/Value column. You can right click on any of the results to display them in the visualizer, or to send the result to the Script Workspace for further post-processing.
Results in product extensively utilizes datasets. With datasets, you can package raw data into meaningful results that are easily parametrized and visualized. The results for all the standard monitors can be retrieved in the original raw, un-parametrized matrix form (using getdata), or in dataset form (using getresult).
Tip: You can check what data are accessible for each command by running getdata and getresult with the monitor or object name as the only argument.
Note: Some results, such as far-field projections in FDTD, are not calculated until a command is issued. These results will show “Right-click to calculate” in the “Dimension/Value” column. For these data, you can either right click to calculate it, or running getresult with the name of the result to calculate.
Result View in FDTD and MODE
In FDTD and MODE, the result datasets and raw data are separated into different sections. For example, as shown in the Result View figure above, the results listed under “rawdata” can be obtained using the getdata or the getresult command. The results listed under "results" are datasets, and can only be obtained using the getresult command.
Result View in Multiphysics and INTERCONNECT
In Multiphysics and INTERCONNECT, the Result View does not distinguish between raw data and datasets, as shown above on the left for INTERCONNECT and right for Multiphysics. However, the same script commands, getdata and getresult can also be used. In these products, the commands can be used on the same result names, with getdata yielding the raw data, and getresult yielding datasets.
Types of Data
The icons associated with each result reflect the type of result. More information on datasets can be found in the KB Article Introduction to Lumerical datasets:
Matrix : this is a simple matrix result, with no associated parameters
Matrix dataset : this is a parameterized matrix results that contains at least an attribute (result), and an associated parameter
Rectilinear dataset : this is a parameterized matrix result that is associated with a rectilinear grid
Unstructured data : this is a set of data that is not structured in form of a dataset or a matrix and rather consists of several different types of results
For more detail on how to work with datasets in the scripting environment, please see Accessing simulation data.
For the FDTD, MODE, and Multiphysics software, Analysis Group objects from the Object library have been updated to return datasets. For an example of how to define dataset results in an analysis group, please see Analysis Groups.
The raw data results are all un-parametrized, simple matrix results. To create parametrized matrix datasets from matrices, use the "Send to script" option to copy the variable into the Script Workspace.
Script Workspace
The Script Workspace shows all the variables in the current scripting environment. The variables' current values as well as the corresponding dimensions are shown in a list format. Users can use the visualizer to visualize any variable listed in the Script Workspace by right-clicking on the variable and selecting "Visualize".
The icons in the script workspace above shows that while "sigmaabs" and "sigmascat" are parametrized matrix datasets (since they were the results returned directly by the cross section analysis groups), "sigmaext" is a result that we defined in the script, and is therefore a simple un-parametrized matrix. For example, simply right-clicking on sigmaext and selecting "Visualize" will generate the following plot in the Visualizer:
Here, the extinction cross section is plotted as a function of the index value.