The quantizer maps the input to one of possible levels depending on the correspondent threshold parameter
electrical, unidirectional
Name | Type |
input | Electrical Signal |
output | Electrical Signal |
General Properties
Name | Default value | Default unit | Range |
name Defines the name of the element. |
Quantizer | - | - |
annotate Defines whether or not to display annotations on the schematic editor. |
true | - | [true, false] |
enabled Defines whether or not the element is enabled. |
true | - | [true, false] |
type Defines the element unique type (read only). |
Quantizer | - | - |
description A brief description of the elements functionality. |
The quantizer maps the input to one of possible levels depending on the correspondent threshold parameter | - | - |
prefix Defines the element name prefix. |
QUANTZ | - | - |
model Defines the element model name. |
- | - | - |
library Defines the element location or source in the library (custom or design kit). |
- | - | - |
local path Defines the local path or working folder $LOCAL for the element. |
- | - | - |
url An optional URL address pointing to the element online help. |
- | - | - |
Standard Properties
Name | Default value | Default unit | Range |
load threshold from file Defines whether or not to load a map of input values and correspondent output values from a file or to use the currently stored values. |
false | - | [true, false] |
threshold filename The file containing user defined input values and correspondent output values. Refer to the Implementation Details section for the format expected. |
- | - | - |
threshold table The table allows the user to read or modified input values and correspondent output values. |
<2,2> [0, 1, 0,...] | - | - |
Implementation Details
The quantizer maps the input to one of possible levels according to the correspondent threshold parameter. Please see example file 16PAM_Quantizer.icp for more information. The following figure shows the system in the example.
The threshold table could be user defined by directly typing in the table or by loading from file. In this example, the file threshold_16PAM.dat is used. The file loaded and the directly defined threshold tables are shown as following:
Data file and resulting data table
According to the threshold levels, the quantizer maps the signals to different values. Following are the Eye Diagram and Vector Signal Analyzer (VSA) plots.
Eye diagram and symbol mapping