modulates an optical signal depending on electrical signal
electrical, optical, bidirectional
Name | Type |
port 1 | Optical Signal |
modulation | Electrical Signal |
port 2 | Optical Signal |
General Properties
Name | Default value | Default unit | Range |
name Defines the name of the element. |
Optical Modulator Lookup Table | - | - |
annotate Defines whether or not to display annotations on the schematic editor. |
true | - | [true, false] |
enabled Defines whether or not the element is enabled. |
true | - | [true, false] |
type Defines the element unique type (read only). |
Optical Modulator Lookup Table | - | - |
description A brief description of the elements functionality. |
modulates an optical signal depending on electrical signal | - | - |
prefix Defines the element name prefix. |
OM | - | - |
model Defines the element model name. |
- | - | - |
library Defines the element location or source in the library (custom or design kit). |
- | - | - |
local path Defines the local path or working folder $LOCAL for the element. |
- | - | - |
url An optional URL address pointing to the element online help. |
- | - | - |
Standard Properties
Name | Default value | Default unit | Range |
configuration Defines the bidirectional or unidirectional element configuration. |
bidirectional | - | [bidirectional, unidirectional |
load from file Defines whether or not to load measurements from an input file or to use the currently stored values. |
false | - | [true, false] |
filename The file containing user defined input values and correspondent output values. Refer to the Implementation Details section for the format expected. |
- | - | - |
table The table allows the user to read or modified input values and correspondent output values. |
<2,2> [0, 1, 0,...] | - | - |
Waveguide Properties
Name | Default value | Default unit | Range |
modes List of optical mode labels supported by the element. |
TE,TM | - | - |
Implementation Details
This Optical Modulator Lookup Table element has the similar concept as the electrical Lookup Table element and it is a reciprocal element. This element is especially useful when defining laser LI properties. In the example file optical_modulator_lookup_table_example.icp, a laser LI file LI_mA.txt is loaded to the Optical Modulator Lookup Table element. The LI curve is showing below:
The design schematic is shown below. With two different inputs at each end, the output power spectrum diagrams are plotted in the following figures.