Allows observation of optical mode profiles
analyzer, optical, unidirectional, bidirectional
Name | Type |
input | Optical Signal |
General Properties
Name | Default value | Default unit | Range |
name Defines the name of the element. |
Mode Profile Analyzer | - | - |
annotate Defines whether or not to display annotations on the schematic editor. |
true | - | [true, false] |
enabled Defines whether or not the element is enabled. |
true | - | [true, false] |
type Defines the element unique type (read only). |
Mode Profile Analyzer | - | - |
description A brief description of the elements functionality. |
Allows observation of optical mode profiles | - | - |
prefix Defines the element name prefix. |
OMPA | - | - |
model Defines the element model name. |
- | - | - |
library Defines the element location or source in the library (custom or design kit). |
- | - | - |
local path Defines the local path or working folder $LOCAL for the element. |
- | - | - |
url An optional URL address pointing to the element online help. |
- | - | - |
icon type Defines the icon or element symbol view option. |
small | - | [small, medium |
Simulation Properties
Name | Default value | Default unit | Range |
input signal selection Input signal selection option. |
last | - | [last, index |
input signal index The signal index to analyzed. |
1 | - | [1, +∞) |
include delays Defines whether inserted delays should be included as part of the signal or not. |
false | - | [true, false] |
Name | Description |
mode #/profile | The mode profile corresponding to the individual mode. |
Implementation Details
The mode profile analyzer measures and displays the mode profile of a piece of waveguide or fiber. Please see the example file Mode_Profile_Analyzer.icp for detailed information on this element. The following figure shows the system in the example file. Please download and load this mode profile data file mode_profile.ldf to the MODE Waveguide element in the example file.
The mode profile analyzer could display the E and H model profiles on each coordinate, The following figures show the measured mode profile for the waveguide on E and H model on X, Y Z directions and as a whole.
Following are the plots of the E and H model of the waveguide with a "line" plot type on each coordinate and as a whole.