Plots a bar chart.
Syntax |
Description |
out = bar(y); |
Creates a bar plot where each bar corresponds to one element in y, which must be a 1D array. The figure number is returned. |
bar(x,y); |
x is a nx1 matrix. y is a nxm matrix. Creates m bar plots with n bars in the same figure for the elements in y at positions given by x. The figure number is returned. |
bar(x,y, "x label", "y label", "title"); |
Creates a bar plot of y vs x with axis labels and a title, returns the figure number. The figure number is returned. |
The following example generates the two bar plots shown below.
x = linspace(0,1,10); y1 = exp(-((x-0.2)/0.4)^2); y2 = exp(-((x-0.7)/0.3)^2); y = [y1,y2]; bar(y1); # bar plot for y1, where each bar is labeled from 1 to 10 bar(x,y); # bar plot for y1 and y2 at locations specified by x
See Also