Starts a for loop to allow some operations to be repeated a number of times. A while loop can be implemented when using the three argument version of a for loop.
Syntax |
Description |
for(x=1:100) { ?x; } |
Single argument for loop. The loop will be sequentially executed for each value of x. |
for(x=1; x<= 100; x=x+1) { ?x; } |
Three argument for loop. x=1 at the start of the loop. The loop continues while x <=100 and sets x=x+1 at each pass. |
x=1; for(0; x<10; 0) { ?x; x=x+1; } |
This is equivalent to a while loop that will execute while x<10. |
This example shows a simple for loop where x takes the values 1, 3, 5, 7, 9.
a=1:2:10; for(x=a) { ?x; }
Nested loops: This example shows a nested for loop.
for(i=1:100) { for(j=1:100) { x = i^2+j; ?x; } }
The following code will get the electric field data from each monitors in this simulation file, then save that data in a series of Lumerical data files. To test this example, download the associated simulation file, run the simulation, then run the following script.
run; mNames = splitstring(getresult,endl); for (i=1:length(mNames)) { if (haveresult(mNames{i},"E")) { E=getresult(mNames{i},"E"); # get a result from that monitor } else { E = mNames{i} + " did not contain the specified data."; } savedata(mNames{i},E); # save data to file }
While loops: There is no "while" command in the scripting language, but the "for" command can be used to implement a "while" command. The command for(0; conditional_expression; 0) {} is the same as while(conditional_expression) {}. The “0” statements in the “for” loop do nothing and are just placeholders because the scripting language expects an argument there.
# implementation of a while loop in languages that support while loops x=1; while(x<10) { ?x; x=x+1; } # equivalent implementation of a while loop in Lumerical script language x=1; for(0; x<10; 0) { ?x; x=x+1; }
See Also