Writes to a lookup table file with a design and an extracted parameter pair. This function must be called after lookupopen and before lookupclose .
Syntax |
Description |
out = lookupwrite ("filename","table",design, "extracted"); |
Writes to a lookup table with a design and an extracted parameter pair. The design and extracted parameters are cells that contain multiple structures, allowing for mapping between multiple design and extracted parameters. This function can be called multiple times, for each call the design and extracted parameters will be appended to the current file. This function must be called after lookupopen and before lookupclose . |
out = lookupwrite ("filename"); |
Takes a script object, in this case a cell array containing all the contents of the xml file, and save it to a file. |
The script below maps two values of waveguide width and height to the effective index and group index.
design = cell(2); #extracted contains neff and ng extracted = cell(2); #design (input parameters) design{1} = struct; design{1}.name = "width"; design{1}.value = 5.03333e-07; design{2} = struct; design{2}.name = "heigth"; design{2}.value = 2.18889e-07; #extracted (output results) extracted{1} = struct; extracted{1}.name = "neff"; extracted{1}.value = 2.1; extracted{2} = struct; extracted{2}.name = "ng"; extracted{2}.value = 4.42; #open file to write table lookupopen( "new.xml", "new_extracted" ); #write first design/extracted pair lookupwrite( "new.xml", design, extracted ); #second design/extracted pair design{1}.value = 6.03333e-07; design{2}.value = 1.18889e-07; extracted{1}.value = 2.2; extracted{2}.value = 4.45; #write second design/extracted pair lookupwrite( "new.xml", design, extracted ); #close file lookupclose( "new.xml" );
where “new.xml” is a lookup table containing the table “new_extracted”
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <lumerical_lookup_table version="1.0" name = "new_extracted"> <association> <design> <value name="width" type="double">5.03333e-07</value> <value name="heigth" type="double">2.18889e-07</value> <design> <extracted> <value name="neff" type="double">2.1</value> <value name="ng" type="double">4.42</value> </extracted> </association> <association> <design> <value name="width" type="double">6.03333e-07</value> <value name="heigth" type="double">1.18889e-07</value> <design> <extracted> <value name="neff" type="double">2.2</value> <value name="ng" type="double">4.45</value> </extracted> </association> </lumerical_lookup_table>
See Also
List of commands , lookupclose , lookupopen , lookupread , lookupreadtable , lookupreadvalue , lookupreadnportsparameter , lookupappend , insert