Calculates a polynomial fit based on linear regression. The data can be complex.
Syntax |
Description |
p = polyfit(x, y, N); |
Returns the coefficients for a polynomial p(x) of degree N that is the best fit for the data in y. \( p(x)=p_1 + p_2x^1+p_3x^2+...+p_Nx^{N-1}+p_{N+1}x^N \) The length of the coefficients is N+1. |
In this example random noise is added to a smooth function. A polynomial fit of the noisy data allows to recover the original function approximately.
clear; x = linspace(0,10,100); noise_amp = 200; y_original = 3.2 + 2i*x + 4.5*x^2 - 0.04*x^3; y_noise = y_original + noise_amp*(randmatrix(length(x))-0.5); fit = polyfit(x,y_noise,3); y_fit = fit(1) + fit(2)*x + fit(3)*x^2 + fit(4)*x^3; plot(x,abs(y_original),abs(y_noise),abs(y_fit)); legend("y_original","y_noise","y_fit"); ?fit; result: -20.3301+1.67422e-013i # fit(1) 19.7752+2i # fit(2) -0.477739+4.58522e-014i # fit(3) 0.304786-4.35069e-015i # fit(4)
See Also