This command will cause the wizard window to wait until the user selects OK or Cancel. It then returns value data from the matrix in a N+1 length matrix, where N is the number of widgets (excluding labels) in the current wizard page.
out = wizarddata;
The values of out are
out(1) = 0, 1 or -1. 0 means the user pressed Cancel, 1 means the user pressed the first button (typically "OK" or "Next") and -1 means the user pressed the second button (typically "Back")
out(2:N+1) gives the numeric values that the user entered for each input field
when out(1) is 1
. Note that check boxes return 1 if checked and 0 if unchecked. Menu items return a number between 1 and M where M is the number of choices in the menu. If out(1) is 0 or -1, all the values out(2:N+1) are zero.
See the newwizard page for an example.
See Also
List of commands