The system command allows you to have the operating system (OS) execute a command, rather than the Lumerical Script Prompt.
Syntax |
Description |
system("command"); |
Run "command" at the OS command prompt. The system command does not return any data. |
Opens the text editor Notepad in windows.
The following example demonstrates how the system command can be used to get the computer's date and time settings (wall-clock time), for example, to time stamp your files. It is necessary to run a system command because the Lumerical script language does not currently have a getDateAndTime scriptcommand. This example shows how to get the time on a Windows machine, but it could easily be modified for other OS. The system command is used to save the current time from the system clock into a file. The read command is then used to read the time from the file.
fname="cur_time.txt"; # file name to store current time
cmd="echo %time% >>" + fname; # system command to get current time and write to fname
rm(fname); # delete time file
system(cmd); # run command to get time and save to file
cur_time=read(fname); # read time from file
?cur_time; # current time: Hr, Min, Sec
This example shows how to start a new instance of the Lumerical GUI from a script file on a Windows computer. For example, if you have multiple Lumerical products, you may find it useful to have one product (eg. CHARGE) be able to start a second product (eg. FDTD). The following example will start a new instance of FDTD that runs the script file runAnalysis.lsf.
Two variations of the command are provided. In the first, a new instance of FDTD Solution is started and will run the script file runAnalysis.lsf. When this is executed, the initial instance of the GUI (the one running the system command) will be frozen while the new instance is running. The first instance will continue running once the second instance is closed. Tip: you should add an 'exit' command to the end of the runAnalysis.lsf script so the new instance automatically closes when it reaches the end of the script.
The second variation allows the first instance of the GUI to continue running while the second instance is open.
system('""C:\Program files\Lumerical\[[verpath]]\bin\fdtd-solutions.exe" -run "C:\temp\runAnalysis.lsf""');
system('start "name" /B "C:\Program files\Lumerical\[[verpath]]\bin\fdtd-solutions.exe" -run "C:\temp\runAnalysis.lsf"');
The following code can be used on Windows OS to launch an FDTD simulation from the terminal and then immediately close the graphical interface.
# specify command to run from the terminal
MPICMD = '"C:\Program Files\Lumerical\MPICH2\mpiexec.exe" -n 2';
engineCMD = '"C:\Program files\Lumerical\[[verpath]]\bin\fdtd-engine.exe"';
simulationCMD = '"' + currentfilename + '"';
?fullCMD = MPICMD + " " + engineCMD + " " + simulationCMD;
# run from terminal
system('start "name" /B ' + fullCMD);
# exit CAD
See Also
List of commands , readdata , exit , " , currentfilename