Charge monitor records electron and hole densities in the monitor space. It can also integrate the total charge within the monitor surface/volume.
General tab
- MONITOR TYPE: The monitor geometry can be chosen. It can be a point, a line in any direction, a plane normal to any of the axis or a 3D monitor.
- RECORDED DATA: The monitor can record the electron and/or hole densities depending on which is checked. These will be in units of 1/cm^3 for both n and p.
- SAVE DATA: The data can be saved into a .mat file.
- INTEGRATE TOTAL CHARGE: The total number of electrons/holes will be calculated within the monitor surface/volume. This will be in unitless ( total number of charged carriers) in 3D and in units of 1/m ( number of carriers in a meter) in 2D for both n and p.
Geometry tab
- X, Y, Z: The center position of the simulation region
- X MIN, X MAX: X min, X max position
- Y MIN, Y MAX: Y min, Y max position
- Z MIN, Z MAX: Z min, Z max position
- X SPAN, Y SPAN, Z SPAN: X, Y, Z span of the simulation region
- USE RELATIVE COORDINATES: If this is enabled then the monitor will use the center or the CHARGE solver as its origin (reference). If disabled then it will use the absolute center (0,0,0) as its origin.
Note: The availability is based on the SOLVER TYPE |
Results returned
- CHARGE: Electron and hole densities in the monitor space is returned as a function of emitter voltage and base voltage. Area and ID are also returned, where ID is a number between 1 and N, with N being a number of different materials in the set up.
- TOTAL_CHARGE: Total number of electrons and holes within the volume of the monitor. For 2D monitors the result is given in units of /m. This result is not available in 1D charge monitors.