Elements in a Compact Model Library (CML) can be added, deleted, or renamed.
Adding Elements
A new element can be added to the current library master file. The new element can be selected from the elements in the Lumfoundry Template library. The element source data can then be edited to match the properties of your element.
For more information on how to select a Lumfoundry Template to use for your element, please see Choosing a Template in CML Compiler.
To add an element to a library:
- Click the Add button in the Element Status Center.
- Select a template from the Lumfoundry template dropdown list. The Lumfoundry Template elements are listed along with their photonic models.
- Enter an Element name for your element.
- Click OK.
The element will be added to the library master file’s element list, and the source data for the selected Lumfoundry Template will be added to the source folder under the new element’s name.
Deleting Elements
An element in a CML can be deleted by removing it from the element list in the current library master file. The element will still appear in the element list for other library master files in the library source folder.
Optionally, the source files for the element can be deleted as well. Note that if this element is listed in another library master file, CML Compiler will not be able to run any functions for it (e.g., validate or build library) due to missing source data.
To delete an element:
- Select the element you would like to delete in the Element Status Center. Multiple elements can be selected and deleted at the same time.
- Click the Delete button in the Element Status Center.
- In the dialog that appears, select Also delete source files/folders if you would like to delete the element source files.
- Click OK.
The selected elements will be removed from the current library master file’s element list and will no longer appear in the Element Status Center.
Renaming Elements
An element can be renamed after it has been added to the library.
To rename an element:
- Select the element you would like to rename in the Element Status Center. Only one element can be renamed at a time.
- Click the Rename button in the Element Status Center.
- In the dialog box, enter a new name for the element in the Element new name field. Element names cannot have white spaces or special characters.
- Click OK.
The element will be renamed in the library master file’s element list and in the element’s source data folder. Note that if the element to be renamed is listed in other library master files, CML Compiler will automatically update the element in those library master files to the new name. If the new element name already exists in another library master file, then that library master file is not updated.