This "My first Verilog-A CML" section provides a step-by-step guide for running quality assurance (QA) tests. Here we assume that you have completed:
- My first Verilog-A CML overview
- Getting started with Lumfoundry Template for Verilog-A CML
- Creating a Custom Verilog-A CML with CML Compiler
Step 1 - Manually run QA test for each element
Click on ‘Launch Explorer’ and navigate to the folder for the "wg_straight_fixed" element. Notice that CML Compiler generated "" and a folder named "QA_veriloga". This is the QA for the "waveguide_simple" photonic model that we used for this element.
Open a terminal and run:
This will run the QA for "wg_straight_fixed" element and reports back the results. You can do the same for other elements in your library.
Note: Use the python packaged within the Ansys Lumerical suite. |
Step 2 - Automatically run QA tests
To automatically run the QA tests generated by CML Compiler for selected Verilog-A elements and receive a report, first select the library path and library master file to point to Foundry_X and Foundry_X.json respectively. Then select all the elements from the list and click on ‘Run Tests’ . This will execute the QA tests for Verilog-A models and report back to the output window the QA test results. If QA tests passed, the status icon under “Test” will turn green.