Shared Enhancements
The Lumerical Launcher is now the new “Ansys Optics Launcher” and can be used to readily download trial licenses for Ansys SPEOS and Ansys Zemax products, besides the already supported Ansys Lumerical suite of products.
The Launcher now provides options to launch new projects for the Lumerical RCWA and the Lumerical qINTERCONNECT solvers.
The visualizer has a new “global color range” option that is active by default. This sets the color bar max and min to the global max/min value of the dataset allowing users to easily understand the effect of a parameter on the attribute when viewing parameterized results from (for example) a parameter sweep.
DEVICE Suite Enhancements
- The 2D frequency monitor in DGTD now records the raw frequency domain fields data (rawDgtdFields) as well as the raw mesh data (raw DgtdMesh).
- For a given FEEM calculation, the unprocessed mode data (rawFeemFields) as well as the raw mesh data (rawDgtdMesh) are now recorded.
- New “modeoverlap” script command can be used in conjunction with the now available raw mode data from FEEM or the raw frequency domain field data from DGTD, to calculate overlap between different FEEM mode profiles or between mode profiles from a FEEM calculation and the frequency domain field from a DGTD calculation.
- New “list” script command returns the names of all the groups (Containers, Structure/Analysis Groups) in the Objects Tree as a nested cell array of cell arrays, making it easier for users to parse the Objects Tree.
SYSTEM Suite Enhancements
- New capabilities in qINTERCONNECT now support simulation of single photon source in quantum photonic integrated circuits.
- A new optical monitor feature is added to Virtuoso-INTERCONNECT integration to facilitate the optical signal measurement for INTERCONNECT models. It can be conveniently used to probe optical ports and measure the outcoming optical power and phase.
- The new "-psflog" command line option for INTERCONNECT can be used to specify the file name of PSF data notes. By default, the PSF data notes are written to the "INTERCONNECTlogFile" file.