A light guide is a pipe guiding the light while extracting a ratio of this light in a specific direction using prisms. Line-shaped lit appearance is achieved by this element. You cannot extract light without a prism. The light continues to propagate (it is just a rod).
Total Internal Reflection happens when the light is incident to a surface at an angle greater than the critical angle.
$$ \theta_{crit} = sin^{-1} \left( \frac{n_2}{n_1} \right) $$
Adding a prism to extract light:
The effect of the prism is to make the incident angle smaller than the critical angle. Thanks to this, some part of the light is extracted. The optical shape of the prism depends on styling and regulation.
With the lightguide feature of Speos we will create a prsimatic lightguide.
OPD Lightguide creation
- Open the Ansys Speos model "Headlamp_LightGuide.scdocx”
- From the Design tab, click Light Guide
- As guide curve for the light guide body select “Headlamp Demo Highest Ver_stp-FreeParts/Spline” and validate the selection
- Define Lightguide General – Body with
- Type: Circular shape
- Profile diameter: 6 mm
- In Lightguide definition General - Guide Curve set Reverse direction True to reverse direction of Light Direction. You can also reverse it by clicking on its arrow in the 3D view.
- In General - Prisms Orientation choose Type Direction and as Optical axis select Y Axis. This will be the main direction we expect the light to be extracted from the light guide body by the prisms.
- Set General – Distances as follows
- Type: Curvilinear
- Start: 30 mm
- End: 16 mm
- Set the following parameters for Prism Geometries
- Step: Constant
- Step value: 2mm
- Trimming ratio: Control points
Click "+" to add as many control points as needed.
Set their Position along the curve. The position is expressed in % (a position of 50 places the control point in the middle of the guide). Define the parameter's value for each control point.
- Offset: Constant
- Offset Value: 2.7 mm
- Width value: 2 mm
- Start angle: Constant
- Start angle value: 85°
- End angle: Control points
- From Design panel click Compute to build the lightguide geometry. The Light Guide is created and appears in the 3D view.
- In Light Simulation tab double click on material “Light pipe”
- Apply the material to "Light Guide.1"
- Doubleclick the predefined "Lightguide" simulation and add "Lightguide.1" as Geometry to it
- Click on Compute to run the simulation and check the results
Important settings
The source position impacts the following Prisms tab parameters: Start, End and Length.
The side of the source is indicated in the 3D view with a yellow arrow called Light Direction. You can also reverse the direction of Light Direction by clicking on its arrow in the 3D view.
For small prisms it is important to adjust the Meshing Parameters accordingly.
Light Guide Parameters
Lightguide Body Type
The body type allows you to determine what to base the body construction on.
Prism only
A light guide prism is created without its body. This is useful when you want to use a custom light guide body. If the add operation is used, the result will be the added prisms alone. The height of the prism is defined to reach the guide curve. Add operation: the height of the prisms is defined to reach the guide curve minus 0.1 mm. Remove operation: the height of the prisms is not reliable, it is only used for assembling. |
Constant Profile
A light guide body is created using a profile defined by a planar surface and located at the start of the guide curve. Select a sketch as profile for the light guide body. |
Circular Shape
A lightguide body is created using a circular shaped profile with defined diameter. |
Prism Orientation
From the Prisms Orientation Type drop-down list, select how the prism should be oriented in relation to the light guide body.
- Select Direction if you want all prisms to have the same orientation all along the guide curve. Light extracted through the prisms has the same direction. This type is particularly suited for linear light guides.
- Select Normal to surface if you want prisms to potentially have different orientations. Light extracted through the prisms has a different direction all along the guide curve. This type is suited for non-linear light guides.
Prism Geometries
You can adjust the geometries of the prisms with the following parameters.
Start Angle/ End Angle
Start Angle: Prism angle linked to the side of the source. End Angle: Prism angle linked to the opposite side of the source. |
Start Radius |
Radius of curvature applied on the source side face of the prisms. |
End Radius |
Radius of curvature applied on the non-source side face of the prisms. |
corresponds to the width of the prisms |
corresponds to the length of the prisms |
Step (Add/Remove Operation)
Step corresponds to the spacing between the mid points of the top edges of two adjacent prisms |
Step (Hybrid Operation) | corresponds to the spacing between two adjacent prisms projected on the guide curve |
For more information: Ansys User Guide/ Lightguide Parameters
Start and End define the size of the prism-free zones at the beginning and at the end of the guide curve.
- Start: enters a value to set the size of the prism-free zone at the beginning of the guide curve where the source is located.
- End: enters a value to set the size of the prism-free zone at the end of the guide curve.
Design Table
You can manage the following parameters, related to prisms, with a design table: Step, Length, Offset, Width, Start Angle and End Angle. A design table is an ANSYS SPEOS feature linking SPEOS parameters to values from an external file. This can be an Excel file (xls, xlsx, xlsm) or a text file (txt). You can use a Design Table to create a new Table, use an Existing Table or modify a Table.
- From Design panel export Light Guide as CSV file
- Modify the table for each prism and wanted parameter
- Set required Prism Geometries parameter to Input file mode
- Browse and load the generated table as Input.
Additional resources
- Ansys Speos Optical Part Design Advanced/ M05_LightGuide
- Application Gallery: Exterior Lightguide Optimization