Port Definitions
Variable | Type | Description |
ports | Cell |
A cell array containing structs which have information about each port. Every struct must contain the following fields:
Photonic Model
Variable | Type | Description |
photonic_model |
string |
String containing the name of the photonic model used for this template. Please visit here for a list of all available photonic models. |
Cosmetic Variables
Variable | Type | Description |
description | String | A string containing a brief description of the model, which will be displayed to the end user. |
prefix | String | A string containing the prefix of the model, which will be used within interconnect to provide incrementing element names for each successive element that is added to the simulation layout. |
notes | Cell |
A cell array which provides model notes that will be displayed to the end user. Each element of the cell is a struct with the fields:
Modeling Variables
Variable | Type | Description |
spar_filename | String | A string containing the filename of the s-parameter data file for this element. This must include the extension of the file (.txt) |
digital_filter_type | String |
A string containing the type of digital filter used to fit the element transfer function in time domain. Valid entries are:
number_of_taps_estimation | String |
A string containing the method of choosing the number of taps for the FIR filter of the element. Valid entries are:
fir_taps | Number |
Number of taps for the FIR filter. Larger number allows to resolve frequency dependence better but increases time delay. Suggestions:
Parameter Variables
Variable | Type | Description |
parameters |
Cell |
A cell array containing structs which have information about each parameter. Regular fields: name: name of the property as it will appear in the Property View window category: folder where the property will be stored in the Property View window type: A string with the type of value allowed by this parameter. The options are given by the "Type" dropdown menu within the Property Editor in INTERCONNECT. Some examples:
kind: A string with the type of quantity described by this parameter. The values for this parameter correspond to the allowed values within the "Kind" dropdown menu within the Property Editor in INTERCONNECT. The "Kind" determines the units. Some example kinds are:
unit: A string with the unit of the parameter. This should be a valid unit with respect to the parameter kind set in the "kind" field, and must correspond to the allowed values for the "type" field. Some example units are:
min, max: minimum and maximum values allowed for the parameters. The user will be warned when trying to set a value outside this range Additional fields: choices: only required for ComboChoices, leave blank for continuous numerical parameters annotate: enable or disable annotating the parameter value in the element default_value: default value of the parameter visible_to_user: typically set to true so that the parameter is visible to the user test_min, test_max: minimum and maximum values used in the QA test. Typically the same as min and max. |
temperature | String or Number |
Temperature can be defined in one of two ways for the waveguide_simple model:
Note: Define the variable "temperature" ONLY IF temperature-dependent data is provided in the S-parameter file. |
Note: The order of the parameters in the cell array must match the order of the data columns in the S-parameter sweep file.