Variable | Type | Description |
mode_data |
Cell |
M x 1 cell array, where M is the number of modes. Each element of the cell is a struct with fields:
Note: This model only supports a up to two modes. |
wavelength_data |
Center wavelength (m) of the band for which the waveguide properties below are evaluated. |
temperature_data |
Temperature (K) for which the waveguide properties below are evaluated |
neff |
M x 1 matrix with the effective index for the wavelength and modes specified above. |
dneff_dT |
M x 1 matrix with the effective index temperature sensitivity (1/K) of the waveguide. Note: Thermal effects can be neglected by setting the values of this matrix to 0. |
loss |
M x 1 matrix with the loss (dB/m) for the wavelength and modes specified above. |
ng |
M x 1 matrix with the group index for the wavelength and modes specified above. |
thermal_bandwidth |
Number |
3-dB cutoff frequency (Hz) of the thermal phase shifter. Note: This model assumes that bandwidth is voltage independent. |
phase_shifter_data |
Cell |
M x 1 cell array containing structs which describe the phase shift (rad) as a function of input power (W). Each element of the cell array is a struct containing the following fields:
wg_length |
Default phase shifter length (m). Note: This may be visible to the end user, depending on the configuration of the parameter .lsf file. |
wg_length_min |
Minimum phase shifter length (m). Note: This may be visible to the end user, depending on the configuration of the parameter .lsf file. |
wg_length_max |
Maximum phase shifter length (m). Note: This may be visible to the end user, depending on the configuration of the parameter .lsf file. |
Electrical Behavior
The electrical behavior of the thermal phase shifter can either be modeled linearly via a resistance value, or non-linearly by providing an I-V characteristic. The IV data are linearly interpolated to obtain the electrical behavior. Either one of the following values must be provided to enable modelling of electrical behavior.
Note: If IV data is provided, it will take preference over R_thermal_tuner data
Variable | Type | Description |
IV |
Matrix |
C x 2 matrix containing the current (Amp) versus bias voltage (V) characteristic of the heater for the default phase shifter length, where C is the number of bias points, and the columns contain:
R |
Number |
Resistance (\(\Omega)\) of the heater for the default length of the phase shifter. Note: Using a linear model is suitable for resistive heaters, but for voltage-dependent models an IV characteristic should be used instead. |
Model Tuning & QA Data
This data is required for CML Compiler to run quality-assurance tests on the final model. It is also optionally used by CML Compiler to fine-tune the internal model to provide the expected behavior. For more information, see Tuning Active Compact Models .
Variable | Type | Description |
IL |
The total insertion loss (dB) of the thermal phase shifter at zero bias provided as a struct. The struct has the following fields: default_value: M x 1 matrix containing the nominal insertion loss (dB), where M is the number of modes. visible_to_user: Boolean flag to turn this FOM into a visible parameter for the CML user. min: If the FOM is used as a parameter then the minimum allowed value in dB. max: If the FOM is used as a parameter then the minimum allowed value in dB. Note: Fields 'min' and 'max' are optional and must be provided only when 'visible_to_user' is set to 1 (true). |
Ppi |
Power (W) to achieve pi phase shift between Ppi_power1 and Ppi_power2, provided as a struct. The struct has the following fields: default_value: M x 1 matrix containing the nominal Ppi, where M is the number of modes. visible_to_user: Boolean flag to turn this FOM into a visible parameter for the CML user. min: If the FOM is used as a parameter then the minimum allowed value in Watt. max: If the FOM is used as a parameter then the minimum allowed value in Watt. Note: Fields 'min' and 'max' are optional and must be provided only when 'visible_to_user' is set to 1 (true). |
Ppi_power1 |
M x 1 matrix containing the lower limit of the power (W) for which the Ppi values are valid, where M is the number of modes. |
Ppi_power2 |
M x 1 matrix containing the upper limit of the power (W) for which the Ppi values are valid, where M is the number of modes. Note: Ppi_power1 and Ppi_power2 values must be within the range of I*V values provided. |