Variable | Type | Description |
wavelength_data |
Number |
Center wavelength (m) of the band for which all the mode properties are provided. |
mode_data |
Cell |
1 x 1 cell array. Each element of the cell is a struct with fields:
Note:This model only supports a single mode. |
temperature_data |
Number |
Temperature (K) for which the waveguide mode properties below are provided. |
neff_all |
Matrix |
1 x 6 matrix containing the effective index of the different waveguide segments, where the columns contain the effective index of the:
See Internal Model Diagram in photonic model page for a diagram showing the role of each section. |
dneff_dT |
Number |
Thermal sensitivity (1/K) of effective index of all waveguide types with respect to ambient temperature. Note: Thermal effects can be neglected by setting this to 0. |
ng_all |
Matrix |
1 x 6 matrix containing the group index of the different waveguide segments, where the columns contain the group index of the:
See Internal Model Diagram in photonic model page for a diagram showing the role of each section. |
D_all |
Matrix |
1 x 6 matrix containing the dispersion(s/m/m) of the different waveguide segments, where the columns contain the dispersion of the:
See Internal Model Diagram in photonic model page for a diagram showing the role of each section. |
loss_all |
Matrix |
1 x 6 matrix containing the loss (dB/m) of the different waveguide segments, where the columns contain the loss of the:
See Internal Model Diagram in photonic model page for a diagram showing the role of each section. |
L1_all |
Matrix |
1 x 6 matrix containing the length (m) of the different waveguide segments, where the columns contain the length of the:
See Internal Model Diagram in photonic model page for a diagram showing the role of each section. |
L_in |
Number |
Length of waveguide (m) before the splitters. See Internal Model Diagram in photonic model page for a diagram showing the role of each section. |
L_out |
Number |
Length of waveguide (m) after the splitters. See Internal Model Diagram in photonic model page for a diagram showing the role of each section. |
splitter_loss |
Number |
Estimated loss (dB) of the splitter at notch wavelength Note:
thermal_bandwidth_data |
Number |
A single value containing the 3-dB cutoff frequency of the thermal phase shifter. Note: This is not applicable to models without a thermal tuner |
thermal_tuner_data |
Matrix |
N x 2 matrix containing the optical phase shift of the thermal phase shifter as a function of input power (W), where N is the number of power values, and the columns contain:
Note: Here, "shift" refers to the difference between the optical phase at a bias point and the optical phase when there is no bias. Note: This is not applicable to models without a thermal tuner |
default_imbalance_length |
Number |
Default value for imbalance length (m). This value is always positive. Note: If imbalance_length.visible is set to true within the .lsf file, this will be visible to the user. |
S_parameter |
File |
A text file containing splitter s-parameters in Optical N Port S-Parameter format. The s-parameters must be defined for at least two frequency points. This data must be provided in a separate text file, the name of which must be provided within the parameter .lsf file. Note: It's preferable to include group delay, as this allows for accurate modelling of the group delay between the different ports of the element. For more information on providing group delay, see group delay specification in s-parameter elements. |
Electrical Behavior of thermal tuner (if applicable)
The electrical behavior of the thermal tuner can either be modeled linearly via a resistance value, or non-linearly by providing an I-V characteristic. The IV data are linearly interpolated to obtain the electrical behavior. Either one of the following values must be provided to enable modelling of electrical behavior.
Note: If IV data is provided, it will take preference over R_thermal_tuner data.
Variable | Type | Description |
IV |
Matrix |
C x 2 matrix containing the current (Amp) versus bias voltage (V) characteristic of the heater for the default phase shifter length, where C is the number of bias points, and the columns contain:
R_thermal_tuner |
Number |
Resistance (\(\Omega)\) of the heater for the default length of the phase shifter. Note: Using a linear model is suitable for resistive heaters, but for voltage-dependent models an IV characteristic should be used instead. |
Model Tuning & QA Data
This data is required for CML Compiler to run quality-assurance tests on the final model. It is also optionally used by CML Compiler to fine-tune the internal model to provide the expected behavior. For more information, see Tuning Active Compact Models .
Variable | Type | Description |
notch_wavelength |
Struct |
The resonant wavelength (m) of the MZM at a temperature of 300K with no applied electrical or thermal phase shift provided as a struct. The struct has the following fields: default_value: The nominal resonant wavelength in meter. visible_to_user: Boolean flag to turn this FOM into a visible parameter for the CML user. min: If the FOM is used as a parameter then the minimum allowed value in meter. max: If the FOM is used as a parameter then the minimum allowed value in meter. Note: Fields 'min' and 'max' are optional and must be provided only when 'visible_to_user' is set to 1 (true). |
Struct |
The free spectral range (m) of the MZM provided as a struct. The struct has the following fields: default_value: The nominal free spectral range in meter. visible_to_user: Boolean flag to turn this FOM into a visible parameter for the CML user. min: If the FOM is used as a parameter then the minimum allowed value in meter. max: If the FOM is used as a parameter then the minimum allowed value in meter. Note: Fields 'min' and 'max' are optional and must be provided only when 'visible_to_user' is set to 1 (true). |
IL |
Struct |
The overall insertion loss (dB) of the MZM in the off-resonance region (as explained in the Spectrum Data Visualization in photonic model page) provided as a struct. The struct has the following fields: default_value: The nominal insertion loss in dB. visible_to_user: Boolean flag to turn this FOM into a visible parameter for the CML user. min: If the FOM is used as a parameter then the minimum allowed value in dB. max: If the FOM is used as a parameter then the minimum allowed value in dB. Note: Fields 'min' and 'max' are optional and must be provided only when 'visible_to_user' is set to 1 (true). |
Ppi_thermal |
Struct |
Power (W) for pi phase shift of the thermal tuner (single arm) for input power between Ppi_thermal_power1 and Ppi_thermal_power2 provided as a struct. The struct has the following fields: default_value: The nominal Ppi of the thermal tuners in Watt. visible_to_user: Boolean flag to turn this FOM into a visible parameter for the CML user. min: If the FOM is used as a parameter then the minimum allowed value in Watt. max: If the FOM is used as a parameter then the minimum allowed value in Watt. Notes:
Ppi_thermal_power1 |
Number |
Lower limit of the power (W) range over which Ppi_thermal is calculated. Note: this data is not applicable to models without thermal tuner |
Ppi_thermal_power2 |
Number |
Upper limit of the power (W) range over which Ppi_thermal is calculated. Notes: