Variable | Type | Description |
mode_data |
Cell |
M x 1 cell array, where M is the number of modes. Each element of the cell is a struct with fields:
Note: This model currently supports single mode only. |
wavelength_data |
Number |
Operating wavelength (m) of the EAM, typically the center of the band. |
transmission_voltage_data |
Matrix |
Transmission spectrum (dB) of the EAM at different bias (V) voltages at room temperature (300 K). Saved as a MxV matrix where M is the number of frequency points and V is the number of bias points. Note: Data must be provided for at least two frequency and two bias points. Bias voltage is defined as V_anode - V_cathode. |
V_transmission |
Number |
Bias voltages (V) at which the transmission (transmission_voltage_data) is measured (at 300 K). Note: Bias voltage is defined as V_anode - V_cathode. |
Resp_voltage_data |
Matrix |
Responsivity (A/W) of the EAM at different bias (V) voltages at room temp (300 K). Saved as a 2D matrix of size MxN where M is the number of frequency points and N is the number of bias points. Note: Data must be provided for at least two frequency and two bias points. Bias voltage is defined as V_anode - V_cathode. Responsivity must be a positive number. |
V_resp |
Number |
Bias voltages (V) at which the responsivity (Resp_voltage_data) is measured (at 300 K). Note: Bias voltage is defined as V_anode - V_cathode. |
Idark_data |
Matrix |
Dark current (A) of the EAM at cathode as a function of applied bias voltage (V) at different temperature (K). Saved as a 2D matrix of size MxP where M is the number of bias points and P is the number of operating temperature points. Note: Data must be provided for at least two bias voltages. Bias voltage is defined as V_anode - V_cathode. Current at cathode should be positive in reverse bias and negative in forward bias. |
T_Idark |
Number |
Temperatures (K) at which dark current (Idark_data) is measured. |
bandwidth_data |
Number |
3 dB cutoff frequency (Hz) of the EAM. |
loss_taper |
Number |
Loss (dB) of each of the input and output tapers as wavelength equal to wavelength_data. Note: Data must be provided as a positive value. |
Model Tuning & QA Data
This data is required for CML Compiler to run quality-assurance tests on the final model. It is also optionally used by CML Compiler to fine-tune the internal model to provide the expected behavior. For more information, see Tuning Active Compact Models .
Variable | Type | Description |
IL |
Number |
Insertion loss (dB) of the EAM at wavelength equal to wavelength_data under zero bias at 300 K. Note: IL must be provided as a positive number. |
ER |
Number |
Extiction ratio (dB) of the EAM at wavelength equal to wavelength_data measured between biases ER_voltage1 and ER_voltage2 at 300 K. Note: ER must be provided as a positive number. |
ER_voltage1 |
Number |
Bias point 1 for ER measurement. Bias voltage is defined as V_anode - V_cathode. |
ER_voltage2 |
Number |
Bias point 2 for ER measurement. Bias voltage is defined as V_anode - V_cathode. |
Optional Data
Additional data that can be provided to model the temperature dependency of the transmission and the photocurrent.
Variable | Type | Description |
transmission_temperature_data |
Matrix |
Transmission spectrum (dB) of the EAM at different temperature (K) at zero bias. Saved as a MxT matrix where M is the number of frequency points and T is the number of temperature points. Note: Data must be provided for at least two frequency and two temperature points. |
T_transmission |
Number |
Temperatures (K) at which the transmission (transmission_temperature_data) is measured (at zero bias). |
Resp_temperature_data |
Matrix |
Responsivity (A/W) of the EAM at different temperature (K) at zero bias. Saved as a 2D matrix of size MxS where M is the number of frequency points and S is the number of temperature points. Note: Data must be provided for at least two frequency and two temperature points. Responsivity must be a positive number. |
T_resp |
Number |
Temperatures (K) at which responsivity (Resp_temp_data) is measured (at zero bias). |