New Features - Shared Features
Support for Intel MPI 2019
Starting from the 2021 R2.1 release, all Lumerical tools support Intel MPI version 2019.
New Features - DEVICE Suite
Bent waveguide analysis in FEEM
The finite-element eigenmode solver (FEEM) now supports analysis for bent waveguides, allowing users to simulate both passive waveguide bends as well as active ring modulators.
Script command for memory check
The new script command runsystemcheck can now be used in FDTD to check the memory requirement for running the simulation from the script environment.
Checkpoint setup from command line
When running FDTD simulations from the command line, users can now enable the checkpoint option using the new -checkpoint-shutoff and -checkpoint-period arguments.
New Features – SYSTEM Suite
Icepak to INTERCONNECT temperature map import
INTERCONNECT has a new script command (importtemperaturemap) to import a temperature map from an Icepak simulation. This will enable users to run thermal simulations of their photonic circuit in Icepak and import the temperature map into INTERCONNECT for circuit simulation.
Injection-type phase shifter Verilog-A model
The phase_shifter_electrical photonic Verilog-A model in CML Compiler now supports modeling of injection-type (forward-biased) phase shifters.
Data driven ring modulator tuning
The ring_modulator photonic model in CML Compiler now allows users to load measurement data for different figures of merits and use the data to calibrate the already-existing tuning capabilities.
FOM-based Pcell support for grating coupler and APD modeling
The grating_coupler and photodetector_avalanche photonic models now support creation of PCells using the different figure of merits as model parameters.
Assistant flow for CML-PDK integration
CML Compiler now provides the option to generate a CDF mapping data file as a reference. The data file lists all built components in json format and for each component it lists the CDF setup as well as the element’s port information which could be helpful for generating custom graphic symbols.
Compact model generation for Mach-Zehnder Interferometer
The mach_zehnder_modulator photonic model in CML Compiler now supports modeling of passive Mach-Zehnder interferometers in both INTERCONNECT models and photonic Verilog-A models.