INTERCONNECT provides the versioning functionality to both Compact Model Libraries (CMLs) and individual compact models that built by Compound element or Scripted element.
Library versioning
The CML version is defined in the .info file in the library folder, a file that is automatically generated by CML Compiler. The version number will appear in the Design Kits folder after the CML is installed. User can toggle between different versions of the same named CML by selecting the "Enabled" check box of the CML, and only one version of the same named CML can be enabled at a time. When a CML got updated, or switched versions, the testbench will be automatically reloaded once the new version being enabled/updated. For more information, please visit the Managing Compact Model Libraries page.
Note that the active version of CML is saved to INTERCONNECT configuration when file is closed but not to the project file itself.
Element versioning
Compound element and Scripted element have the "version" property under the "Design Kits" category. This property can be used to version control the Compound/Scripted elements especially in CMLs to distinguish the same model in different versions. Once the CML is published and installed in Design Kits, the version of the compact model will no longer be editable for the end users. For more information, please visit the Managing Compact Model Libraries page.
Note that the element version is saved to the project file, and it will be replaced by the new value in active Design Kit.