In this example, we calculate the bandstructure of a woodpile structure described in the above reference. See chapter 3 of the thesis for details of the structure geometry used in this example, as well as further information on the woodpile Brillouin zone and location of symmetry points
Due to the geometry of the woodpile structure, the simulation region encompasses two unit cells of the structure. For this reason, each dipole source must have matching dipole in the second unit cell to avoid artificial zone folding problems. See the triangular, FCC, BCC photonic crystal bandstructure example for more information.
To calculate the bandstructure, open Woodpile.fsp and run the associated script. The script will run a series of parameter sweeps to calculate the bandstructure between selected symmetry points.
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"Photonic Crystal Laser-Driven Accelerator Structures", A dissertation submitted to the department of physics and the committee on graduate studies of Stanford University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Benjamin Cowan, March 2007 - Chapter 3