Loads data from an fld file from BRO's ASAP. asapload creates a d-card structure called "fld_data" which contains all the data in the file. If "fld_data" exists, it will be called "fld_data_2". After loading an asapfile with asapload, you can extract any desired data., which can be
- Ex, Ey, Ez, Hx, Hy, Hz, x, y, z
- power, frequency, wavelength, index
Syntax |
Description |
asapload; |
Select the file to load with the file browser. This function does not return any data. |
asapload( "filename"); |
Loads data from an fld file called "filename" without a file browser. |
After loading the file, you can use ?getdata to see a list of all d-cards, or the variables in the d-card. Data can be extracted using the getdata function. For example, the real part of Ex can be imaged using the following code.
asapload("asap.ldf"); ?getdata; global monitors: fld_data ?getdata("fld_data"); f wavelength index power x y z Ex Ey Ez Hx Hy Hz Ex = getdata("fld_data","Ex"); x = getdata("fld_data","x"); y = getdata("fld_data","y"); image(x,y,pinch(real(Ex)));
See Also
List of commands , asapexport , asapimport , addimportedsource , fileexists