Exports the desired monitor to a file for interfacing with BRO's ASAP. These files have the .fld extension. The monitor must be a frequency power or a frequency profile monitor.
Syntax |
Description |
asapexport( "monitorname"); |
Export data from monitorname. By default, the first frequency point is exported. This function does not return any data. |
asapexport( "monitorname", f); |
Exports the frequency point specified by the index f. |
asapexport( "monitorname", f, "filename"); |
Exports to the specified "filename" without opening a file browser window. |
Export data from monitor transmission to a .fld file for ASAP. The monitor had more than one frequency point, so the first point was exported by default.
asapexport("transmission"); Warning: prompt line 1: in asapexport: no frequency point was specified and the d-card has more than one. The first is used by default.
See Also
List of commands , asapload , asapimport , addimportedsource