Initializes a FIR filter using the current s-parameters.
Syntax |
Description |
setfir("window",taps,tap_estimation,tolerance,max_taps); |
Initializes a FIR filter (with the specified number of taps) using the current s-parameters. "window" is the window function used by the FIR. window = "rectangular", "hamming" or "hanning". tap_estimation = 1, the fitting will iterate from number of taps to max_taps to find the best fit with the given input tolerance. tap_estimation = 2, the fitting will use the group delay value of the filter (if available). tap_estimation = 0, or false, tap_estimation is disabled. |
#set the fir "hamming" filter with 64 taps
setfir("hamming", 64, 1, 1e-4, 256);
See Also