Returns the power injected into the simulation region by a dipole source. In 3D simulations, the units will be in Watts if cwnorm is used, and Watts/Hertz2 if nonorm is used.
The dipolepower script command returns the power that was injected into the simulation region, and is equivalent to measuring the power transmitted out of a small box surrounding the dipole. In contrast, sourcepower will return the power that the dipole would radiate in a homogeneous material. dipolepower and sourcepower are equivalent for dipoles in a homogeneous medium.
Advanced notes:
- If the dipole is located within a dispersive medium (with a non-zero imaginary part of the refractive index), then the results of this function are not reliable. In such situations, using a box of monitors around the dipole is recommended.
- Numerical errors in this calculation may become noticeable when very small simulation mesh sizes are used. If the mesh step is the order of, or smaller than, λ/1000, verifying the dipolepower results by measuring the radiated power with a small box of monitors surrounding the dipole is recommended.
Please visit the Support Center for more assistance if you are using a dipole in a dispersive medium.
Syntax |
Description |
out = dipolepower(f); |
Returns the amount of power radiated by the dipole source, at frequency points f. (f in Hz) |
out = dipolepower(f, name); |
This option allows you to obtain the power radiated by a single dipole, rather than the sum of all dipoles. This option is only needed for simulations with multiple dipoles. |
See the Dipoles - Radiated Power page and the Fluorescence enhancement application example.
See Also
sourcenorm, sourcepower, sourcepower_avg, sourcepower_pavg, transmission, cwnorm, nonorm