The 'Import NK material' object allows the import of a user defined spatially varying NK material region.
NOTE: To add this object from script command, use addimportnk script command.
Geometry tab
- X, Y, Z: The center position of the simulation region
- APPLICABLE DOMAINS: This can be used to limit the volume over which the imported object is applicable. The object will be applied only to the volume that has overlap between the original object volume and the selected domain.
- DOMAIN : Select the target domain. The reference geometry is the surfaces of the selected domain.
- SOLID : Select the target solid. The reference geometry is the surfaces that enclose the selected volume if the solid is a 3D shape, or the surface if the solid is a 2D plane.
- ALL DOMAINS: The object will be applied to all the available domains.
- USE RELATIVE COORDINATES: If this is enabled then the NK Material will use the center or the FEEM solver as its origin (reference). If disabled then it will use the absolute center (0,0,0) as its origin.
Data tab
- IMPORT: Opens file browser to select data file. The file must be in Matlab format (.mat) and can contain a 3D rectangular or a 2D/3D unstructured (finite element) dataset. The FEEM solver supports spatially varying isotropic and diagonally anisotropic materials, details of which that can be found here. Once the file is loaded, the available datasets can be viewed and the appropriate dataset and attribute can be selected. importdataset script command can also be used to import spatially varying index data into nk import object.
- AUTOMATIC RELOAD: Script command getresult, or saving the project, will cause FEEM to check the modification time of the file given by import file path. If the file has been modified more recently than the dataset was last loaded, FEEM will attempt to import the chosen dataset from the file. Automatic reload during project save will update the project as saved to disk, but is not guaranteed to immediately update the current project.
- DATA SET : The name of the current data that is selected.
- SELECTED ATTRIBUTE : Select the target attribute from data set. This data should contain the refractive index of the material.
- PARAMETER: Lists the name of available parameters. The Index can be modified where the corresponding data is shown under Value section.
- SCALE FACTOR: Multiplies the refractive index values by the scale factor.
- ATTRIBUTE ASSIGNMENT BEHAVIOUR: If override is selected, it will disregard the material refractive index data and will replace it with the current data over the nk import region. If accumulate is selected, the refractive index data values will be treated as a perturbation to the material already present in the selected domain.
TIP: The "file path", "dataset choice" and "automatic reload" settings can be parsed or modified using get and set script commands. |