This section describes the Finite Difference Eigenmode Solver (FDE) analysis component of MODE, once the physical structure and the simulation region have been defined. Some of the parameters can be set from a script.
The Eigenmode Solver analysis window can be opened by pressing the Run Active Simulation button in the toolbar in CAD (with the Eigenmode Solver region set as active) or by selecting Analysis in the menu which appears when you select VIEW->WINDOWS or right click at the top of the CAD widow.
Within the Eigenmode Solver analysis window there is a mode list, a deck for storing modes, three tabs for the analysis and a section for the plots:
This page describes the Mode list and Deck at the top of the analysis window. |
In this tab, the different modes supported by the structure can be solved for, and the spatial field data can be visualized. Also, it is in this tab where the bent waveguides can be studied. This is where the analysis process begins. |
In this tab, one of more modes can be analyzed as a function of frequency. Here, the frequency dependence of the effective index, dispersion and various other properties can be determined. |
In this tab, one of the modes that has been solved for and can be overlapped with another mode to determine, for instance, the coupling efficiency between two modes. |
At the bottom of the window, there is an advanced options button which provides some options for advanced users. |
For a step-by-step tutorial of an Eigenmode solver example, please see the following video:
For more information such as tips on finding a mode and lossy mode, please see Working with lossy modes and dB/m to k conversion.