The function farfieldvector3d is similar to farfield3d, but it returns the complex electric fields, rather than field intensity. The data is returned as matrix of NxMx3 (if one frequency point is projected) or NxMx3xP (if more than 1 frequency point is projected), where N and M are spatial indices, the third index refers to Ex, Ey and Ez in spherical coordinates, and P is the number of frequency points. The components Ex, Ey and Ez are the complex components of the electric field vector. See the farfield3d documentation for information on interpreting ux, uy, na, nb for various monitor orientations.
Syntax |
Description |
out = farfieldvector3d( "mname",...); |
Returns the cartesian complex electric fields. Same arguments as farfield3d. |
out = farfieldvector3d( dataset,...); |
Returns the cartesian complex electric fields. Same arguments as farfield3d. |
See example in the farfield3d function description.
Understanding field polarization in far field projections
See Also
List of commands , farfield3d , farfieldpolar3d , Far field projections - Field polarization