Returns the sum of the amplitude squares for all electric field components, i.e. it returns |Ex| 2 +|Ey| 2 +|Ez| 2 .
Syntax |
Description |
out = getelectric( "monitorname"); |
Returns |Ex| 2 +|Ey| 2 +|Ez| 2 from the monitor. |
getelectric( "monitorname", option); |
The optional argument, option, can have a value of 1 or 2. If it is 2, the data is unfolded where possible according to the symmetry or anti-symmetric boundaries if it comes from a monitor that intersect such a boundary at x min, y min or z min. The default value of option is 2. |
This example creates an image plot of |E|^2 for a z-normal frequency monitor in the x-y plane.
E2=getelectric("output"); x=getdata("output","x"); y=getdata("output","y"); image(x,y,E2);
See Also
List of commands , getdata , getmagnetic , cwnorm , nonorm