Interpolates the S-Parameter sweep file with the specified parameter values.
Syntax |
Description |
M = readnportsparameterat(“filename”, sweep_param) |
Interpolates the S-Parameter sweep file with the specified parameter values, using the spline interpolation method. filename: S-Parameter sweep file. sweep_param: specified sweep parameters, usually in the format of a matrix. |
M = readnportsparameterat“filename”, sweep_param, opt)
Interpolates the S-Parameter sweep file with the specified parameter values, using interpolation options set in the structure named opt. filename: S-Parameter sweep file. sweep_param: specified sweep parameters, usually in the format of a matrix. opt: Structure setting interpolation options. The structure fields are described in the table below. |
The option structure has the following fields, the spelling of each field is case-sensitive.
Field |
Description |
method |
The method used for interpolation. The following options are supported:
passivity |
Whether passivity is enforced for the s-parameter data prior to interpolation. This field only affects results when “geodesic” is selected as the interpolation method. When data is non-passive, a warning message is always displayed. The following options are supported:
Note: For more information on how passivity is enforced, see this Knowledge Base article.
The following script interpolates the S-Parameter file " coupler_s_parameter_sweep.txt " with the specified parameters that defined in a matrix named "sweep_param". Then this interpolated s-parameter can be assigned to a s-parameter element.
#Here, the variables radius, Lc, and gap has been set previously
sweep_param = matrix( 3 );
?M = readnportsparameterat("coupler_s_parameter_sweep.txt", sweep_param );
The following script interpolates the same S-Parameter file, but with the geodesic option and ignoring passivity.
?M = readnportsparameterat("coupler_s_parameter_sweep.txt", sweep_param, {"method":"geodesic", "passivity":"ignore"});
See Also