Adds a new voltage boundary condition to the HEAT solver [Boundary Conditions (Thermal Simulation)]. A HEAT solver region must be present in the objects tree before an electrical contact boundary condition can be added.
Syntax |
Description |
addvoltagebc; |
Adds a voltage boundary condition to the HEAT solver. This function does not return any data. |
Example 1
The following script commands will add a voltage boundary condition to the CHARGE solver already present in the objects tree and print all available properties of the boundary condition.
Example 2
The following script commands will create a voltage boundary condition with a fixed steady state voltage assigned to a solid named cathode. The objects tree must already have a HEAT solver and a geometry named 'cathode' present.
set("bc mode","steady state");
set("sweep type","single");
set("voltage",0.2); # setting the voltage to 0.2 V
set("surface type","solid");
Example 3
The following script commands will create a steady state voltage boundary condition named cathode and apply a voltage sweep over a predefined set of voltages. The objects tree must already have a HEAT solver and a geometry named 'cathode' present.
set("bc mode","steady state");
set("sweep type","value");
V = [0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.45, 0.5, 0.55, 0.56, 0.57, 0.58, 0.59, 0.6];
set("value table",V);
set("surface type","solid");
Example 4
The following script commands will set up a transient voltage boundary condition where the voltage is 0 V at t = 0, steps to 1 V between t = 1 us and 1.001 us (tslew = 1 ns), and remains at 1 V until t = 10 us. The boundary condition is assigned to a solid named cathode.
set("bc mode","transient");
tstep = [0, 1e-6, 1.001e-6, 10e-6];
V = [0, 0, 1, 1];
set("transient time steps",tstep);
set("transient value table",V);
set("surface type","solid");
See Also
addconvectionbc, addradiationbc, addthermalpowerbc, addheatfluxbc, addvoltagebc