A layer builder can be used to extrude any polygon with a desired sidewall angle from script. For more information see Layer builder.
Extruding a polygon with a sidewall angle
FDTD supports extruded polygons in three dimensions, but the sidewalls are always perfectly vertical. A non-vertical sidewall angle can be created by using a Layer Builder with a value of sidewall angle in the range (0, 180) degrees. You don’t need to manually calculate coordinates when you use Layer Builder.
The above figure shows a polygon with a sidewall that can be constructed by a Layer builder, opening and running the script usr_extrude_poly.lsf.
You can add a layer builder object by addlayerbuilder script and edit thickness (microns), pattern material (index), and sidewall angle (degrees) etc. Here, we set 80 degrees so that the cross-section at the bottom of the layer is larger than at the top.