This article shows how to create a .spectrum file for Speos with spectral data in graph format.
Types of Spectrum Files
Speos uses .spectrum files as an input for most types of light sources, as well as camera sensors.
There are two types of .spectrum files: v1.0 (text-based) and v2.0 (binary-based). The file you can modify is v1.0, while v2.0 file is encrypted.
In this article, we explain how to create a text-based v1.0 spectrum file from a graph.
Creating the Spectrum File
First, you must obtain multiple values, x (nm: wavelength) and y (%: intensity), in the spectral graph that you want to convert to a spectrum file through a digitizer. You can choose any digitizer that allows you to retrieve x and y values.
Once you have acquired the data, you may type the following in the text editor:
Enter 'OPTIS - Spectrum file v1.0' in the first line.
In the second line, enter a description.
In the third line, enter the number of the [x y] data sets.
Add the values of the [x y] data set obtained from the fourth line.
The unit of x value should be nm, and the unit of y value should be %. If you have an intensity value between 0 and 1 on the sheet, this should be converted between 0(%) and 100(%).
Note: You can add up to 32,767 wavelengths.
When you finish, save the extension of the text file as 'spectrum' instead of 'txt'.
You can validate the spectrum file by opening it in the Spectrum Editor.
Additional Resources
- User’s Guide: Spectrum Editor (
- Tutorial video: Capture Spectrum in Speos (