The RCWA Field Monitor collects the field profile in the frequency domain on a rectilinear grid from simulation results across some spatial region within an RCWA solver simulation.
Geometry tab
MONITOR TYPE: The monitor type and orientation. The RCWA field monitor can be 3D, 2D, 1D (linear), or 0D (a point). This option will control which of the spatial settings below are available.
X GRID SPACING: Method used to define the grid. The grid spacing can be UNIFORM or CUSTOM.
If the X GRID SPACING is set to UNIFORM, the grid point locations along the X axis are uniformly spaced in the monitor according to the following settings:
- X NUMBER POINTS: Number of grid points along the X axis.
- X: The center position of the monitor along the X axis.
- X SPAN: X span of the monitor.
- X MIN, X MAX: X min, X max position of the monitor.
If the X GRID SPACING is set to CUSTOM, the user specifies each of the grid point locations along the X axis individually. To change the grid locations, click the EDIT button to open up the MATRIX EDITOR.
If the monitor geometry is not extended in the X direction (if MONITOR TYPE is set to 2D X-NORMAL, LINEAR Y, LINEAR Z, or POINT) then only X will be available. In this case, X determines the location of the monitor along the X axis.
The grid spacing along the Y and Z directions is defined similarly.
If the RCWA Field Monitor extends beyond the RCWA simulation, any grid points outside the simulation region are ignored.
Data to record
OUTPUT EX, EY, EZ, HX, HY, HZ: Selects the electric (E) and magnetic (H) fields to record.
Results returned
- Es: Frequency domain electric field vector for the S polarized source. Returned as a function of position, wavelength/frequency, and incident angle (theta/phi).
- Ep: Frequency domain electric field vector for the P polarized source. Returned as a function of position, wavelength/frequency, and incident angle (theta/phi).
- Hs: Frequency domain magnetic field vector for the S polarized source. Returned as a function of position, wavelength/frequency, and incident angle (theta/phi).
- Hp: Frequency domain magnetic field vector for the P polarized source. Returned as a function of position, wavelength/frequency, and incident angle (theta/phi).