New Features - Shared Features
Automatic detection of repeated simulations in lumopt
When performing photonic inverse design with multiple figures of merit, lumopt will now automatically detect if a simulation is getting repeated between different FOMs and skip duplicate runs to reduce the number of overall simulations at each iteration.
Redesigned Lumerical launcher
The Lumerical launcher has been redesigned to easily navigate through the solver list, get information about each solver, and launch new projects.
New Features - DEVICE Suite
Updated FDTD source normalization
The source normalization in FDTD has been updated to provide even better accuracy in simulations with real-fields and multiple sources.
Disable sidewall angles in Layer Builder
The layer builder editor now has a checkbox to easily enable/disable sidewall angles in all applicable layers.
Support for Touchstone S parameter format
The S-parameter sweep object now supports Touchstone file format. Users can choose between INTERCONNECT and Touchstone formats when exporting the S parameter data from either FDTD or EME.
STACK script commands accept a vector of angles
The STACK script commands can now accept vector of angles instead of running the calculations for one angle at a time.
Excitons included in MQW solver
The MQW solver now accounts for the effect of excitons, allowing accurate modeling of the gain and spontaneous emission coefficients in devices where excitons play a critical role, e.g., in electro-absorption modulators.
New Features - SYSTEM Suite
Select elements to build in CML Compiler
CML Compiler has a new “element_list” option that allows users to build a single element or a group of elements in a single run instead of having to build the entire library.
Backscattering in parameterized waveguide photonic model
The parameterized waveguide photonic model in CML Compiler now supports the inclusion of backscattering losses into the model. The lumfoundry_template now includes a new example template that shows users how to build waveguide compact models with backscattering losses.
Photodetector PCell photonic model
CML Compiler now supports the generation of compact models for photodetector Pcells. The new photodetector_pcell photonic model allows users to create compact models for photodetectors that are parameterized with respect to width and length of the absorption layer. The model also supports bias dependent responsivity.
Photonic Verilog-A ring resonator model
CML Compiler now supports the generation of Photonic Verilog-A models for ring resonators. This new capability follows the newly added support for ring resonators in the INTERCONNECT compact model generation.
Statistically enabled scripted element photonic model
The scripted element photonic model of CML Compiler now supports statistical enablement. Users can now not only create nominal models using Lumerical script but also enable statistical variations in them in a Monte-Carlo or corner analysis.
Load S parameters from script workspace
The new “importsparameter” script command in INTERCONNECT allows users to load S-parameter data directly into an optical S-parameter element from the script workspace. The data can be saved a string having the same format required by INTERCONNECT when loading S-parameter data into an optical S-parameter element from a file.