The new MQW gain solver lets you calculate band structure & spontaneous/stimulated emission for multi-layer quantum well systems. It also reports the bulk material band diagram (similar to the band structure plot in CHARGE) and the wave functions at k=0. When checking the system configuration, it’s often helpful to plot the wave functions at their corresponding energies on the band diagram, e.g. like the following plot for the conduction band:
The script that will create this plot is attached to this article.
The script will add a function to your workspace, “plot_wavefunction_banddiagram”. The function takes three arguments:
- the output struct from mqwgain,
- an option to determine which bands to plot (1 = conduction band, 2 = valence band, 3 = both)
- an option to determine the maximum number of subbands to plot (0=plot all).