This example demonstrates how to use Lumerical and Zemax interoperability to calculate a fundamental mode of a PC fiber, propagate the output through a macro lens system in Zemax and couple it back into an SMF fiber in Lumerical. Additionally, the example shows how to optimize the coupling efficiency for optimal performance.
The example is from the Zemax-Lumerical: from nano-scale to macro-scale optics and back webinar.
Execution steps
- Open MODE Solutions and load pc_fiber.lms file with the PC fiber geometry
- Use the eigenmode solver to calculate fundamental mode profile at 1.5um wavelength
- Save the mode profile into d-card and into *.zbf file (related files: PC_mode.zbf)
- Import the PC_mode.zbf mode profile into Zemax Optic studio
- Propagate the fiber output through the lens system: Detailed instructions
- Optimize fiber coupling efficiency into SMF fiber
- Optional: Calculate the power coupling into a SMF mode by using mode overlap calculation between field profile calculated in FDE solver and an imported field profile from Zemax beam file (related files: fiber.lms and low_NA_POP_example.zbf)
Note : The ZBF format is designed for propagating beams that can be described by only the two transverse components of the electric field. For complex near fields below the diffraction limit (for example highly confined fields in a SOI waveguide), you should not try to export to ZBF. In this case, the beam must first be propagated in FDTD or with near to far field projections. |