Field | Type | Description |
photonic_model |
string |
The name of the photonic model used for this template. Please visit here for a list of all available photonic models. |
mode_data |
Cell |
n x 1 cell array (n number of modes). Each element of the cell is a struct with fields:
waveguide_data |
struct with fields described in waveguide_data table |
Data required for modeling the waveguide sections. |
addloss_data |
struct with fields described in addloss_data table |
Struct containing the additional loss (dB) associated with the coupling of different wavelengths and modes. |
coupler_data |
struct with fields described in coupler_data table |
Struct containing the coupling data. |
boolean |
Flag to enable showing waveguide properties in Result View |
number_of_taps_estimation | String |
A string containing the method of choosing the number of taps for the FIR filter of the element. Valid entries are:
fir_taps | Number |
Number of taps for the FIR filter. Larger number allows to resolve frequency dependence better but increases time delay. Suggestions:
Field | Type | Description |
struct |
Wavelength range (m) for which couplercoeff is valid with following fields:
couplercoeff_data | struct |
Struct containing coupling coefficient data with fields described in table below. |
Field | Type | Description |
coupling_gap | Matrix |
G x 1 matrix containing the coupling gaps for which the values in couplercoeff correspond, where G is the number of coupling gaps provided. Note: Data must be provided for at least two data points (G > 1). If only one data point is available, please provide this field a 2 x 1 matrix by duplicating the data point. |
Matrix |
M x G x 2 x 2 matrix containing the coupling coefficients of the directional coupler, where M is the number of modes, and G is the number of coupling gaps. For more detail on how this is used, see the Cross Coupled Power in photonic model page. |
Field | Type | Description |
wavelength |
F x 1 matrix containing the wavelengths (m) for which the additional loss in addloss is evaluated, where F is the number of wavelengths for which data is provided. |
addloss |
F x M matrix containing the additional loss (dB) associated with the coupling of different wavelengths and modes, where F is the number of wavelengths, and M is the number of modes. For more detail on how this is used, see Cross Coupled Power in photonic model page |
Field | Type | Description |
wavelength |
number |
Center wavelength (m) of the band for which the mode properties are provided. |
temperature |
number |
Temperature (K) for which the mode properties below are provided. |
struct with fields described in table below |
Mode properties for modeling the coupler waveguide |
Struct listing mode properties for the waveguide section consists of following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
length_formula |
string |
A string containing lumerical script which defines the waveguide length of each of the four bent arms as bend_length. This string uses the properties in length_parameter_X variable. Note: This model assumes that all the arms have the same length. The total length of each waveguide is given by \(2L_{bend} + L_{coupling}\) |
neff |
number |
Effective index of the waveguide section |
number |
Group index of the waveguide section. |
number |
loss (dB/m) of the waveguide section. |
number |
Dispersion (s/m/m) of the waveguide section |