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The name of the photonic model used for this template.
Please visit here for a list of all available photonic models.
M x 1 cell array, where M is the number of modes. Each element of the cell is a struct with fields:
- name: string with the name of the mode ('TE' or 'TM')
- ID: integer to identify the mode, which should be 1 for 'TE' and 2 for 'TM'. These should be consistent across the entire CML.
Note: This model only supports a up to two modes.
The 3-dB cutoff frequency data of the photodetector as a function of bias voltage, width, length, and temperature. The required fields are:
- voltage: The bias voltages (V) values used to measure the bandwidth, given by \(V_{bias} = V_{anode} - V_{cathode}\)
- width: The width (m) values used to measure the bandwidth of the photodetector.
- length: The length (m) values used to measure the bandwidth of the photodetector
- temperature: The temperature (K) values used to measure the bandwidth of the photodetector.
- bandwidth: V x W x L x T matrix containing the 3-dB cutoff frequency (Hz) values of the photodetector, where:
- V is the number of bias points
- W is the number of width data points
- L is the number of length data points
- T is the number of temperature data points.
Note: Data must be provided for at least two data points for each parameter (V,W,L,T > 1)
The total dark current of the photodetector as a function of bias voltage, width, length, and temperature. The required fields are:
- voltage: The bias voltages (V) values at which the current values were taken, given by \(V_{bias} = V_{anode} - V_{cathode}\)
- width: The width (m) values at which the current values were taken.
- length: The length (m) values at which the current values were taken
- temperature: The temperature (K) at which the current values were taken.
- current: V x W x L x T matrix containing the dark current (A) values of the photodetector, where:
- V is the number of bias points
- W is the number of width data points
- L is the number of length data points
- T is the number of temperature data points.
- Data must be provided for at least two data points for each parameter (V,W,L,T > 1)
- Dark current should be positive in reverse bias, and negative in forward bias.
- For photodetectors with more than one anode, this is the dark current (at the cathode of the device).
The responsivity of the photodetector as a function of frequency, bias voltage, width, length, and temperature. The required fields are:
- frequency: The frequency (Hz) values at which the responsivity values were taken.
- voltage: The bias voltages (V) values at which the responsivity values were taken, given by \(V_{bias} = V_{anode} - V_{cathode}\)
- width: The width (m) values at which the responsivity values were taken.
- length: The length (m) values at which the responsivity values were taken.
- temperature: The temperature (K) at which the responsivity values were taken.
- responsivity: An F x V x W x L x T matrix containing the responsivity (A/W) values of the photodetector, where:
- F is the number of frequency points
- V is the number of bias points
- W is the number of width data points
- L is the number of length data points
- T is the number of temperature data points
- Data must be provided for at least two data points for each parameter (F,V,W,L,T > 1)
- Responsivity should be provided as a positive number
saturation_power_data (optional)
The saturation power of the photodetector as a function of width, length, and temperature. The required fields are:
- width: The width (m) values at which the power values were taken.
- length: The length (m) values at which the power values were taken
- temperature: The temperature (K) at which the power values were taken.
- power: W x L x T matrix containing the saturation power (W) values of the photodetector, where:
- W is the number of width data points
- L is the number of length data points
- T is the number of temperature data points.
- Data must be provided for at least two data points for each parameter (W,L,T > 1).
- Currently this model parameter is only supported in the INTERCONNECT model and not in the Verilog-A model.
Default choice for enabling/disabling the shot noise model in the photodetector. Note:
- The compact model gives the end-user option to enable/disable this.
- Currently only supported in the INTERCONNECT model and not in the Verilog-A model.
Creates model for DC operation only (model will not work for AC operations).