Field | Type | Description |
photonic_model |
string |
The name of the photonic model used for this template. Please visit here for a list of all available photonic models. |
mode_data |
cell |
1 x 1 cell array. Each element of the cell is a struct with fields:
Note: This model only supports a single mode. |
wavelength |
number |
Operating wavelength (m) of the EAM, typically the center of the band. |
bandwidth_data |
number |
3 dB cutoff frequency (Hz) of the EAM. |
loss_taper |
number |
Loss (dB) of each of the input and output tapers at wavelength equal to "wavelength". Note: Data must be provided as a positive value. |
taper_filename |
string |
A string containing the filename of the text file containing the S-parameter data for the input and output tapers. |
struct |
Transmission spectrum (dB) of the EAM at different bias (V) voltages at room temperature (300 K). The required fields are:
struct |
Dark current (A) of the EAM at cathode as a function of applied bias voltage (V) at different temperature (K). The required fields are:
struct |
Responsivity (A/W) of the EAM at different bias (V) voltages at room temp (300 K). The required fields are:
transmission_temperature_data (optional)
struct |
Transmission spectrum (dB) of the EAM at different temperature (K) at zero bias. The required fields are:
resp_temperature_data (optional)
struct |
Responsivity (A/W) of the EAM at different temperature (K) at zero bias. The required fields are: