Field | Type | Description |
photonic_model |
string |
The name of the photonic model used for this template. Please visit here for a list of all available photonic models. |
mode_data |
cell |
M x 1 cell array where M is the number of modes. Each element of the cell is a struct with fields:
wavelength |
matrix |
W x 1 matrix with the wavelengths (m) for which the properties below are evaluated, where W is the number of wavelengths. For best results, use three points per band. Example: [1260e-9, 1310e-9, 1360e-9, 1530e-9, 1550e-9, 1625e-9] for O-band (1260-1360nm) and C-band (1530-1565nm). |
parameter_X |
matrix |
parameter_X with X being an integer is a matrix containing parameter points corresponding to the mode-altering parameters defined in "parameters" section. Waveguide mode properties ( ng, neff, loss and D) should be provided evaluated and parameterized at these parameter points. |
neff |
matrix |
The effective index of waveguide as a WxP1x..PnxM matrix where W is the number of wavelength points, P1 to Pn are the number of points provided for parameter_1 to parameter_n, and M is the number of modes. Note: For more information on mode properties, see Mode Properties in photonic model page. |
ng |
matrix |
The group index of waveguide as a WxP1x..PnxM matrix where W is the number of wavelength points, P1 to Pn are the number of points provided for parameter_1 to parameter_n, and M is the number of modes. Note: For more information on mode properties, see Mode Properties in photonic model page. |
D |
matrix |
The dispersion(s/m/m) of waveguide as a WxP1x..PnxM matrix where W is the number of wavelength points, P1 to Pn are the number of points provided for parameter_1 to parameter_n, and M is the number of modes. Note: For more information on mode properties, see Mode Properties in photonic model page. |
loss |
matrix |
The loss (dB/m) of waveguide as a WxP1x..PnxM matrix where W is the number of wavelength points, P1 to Pn are the number of points provided for parameter_1 to parameter_n, and M is the number of modes. Note: This must be a positive number. |
length_formula |
string |
A string containing lumerical script which defines the waveguide length as wg_length, if "wg_length" is not defined as a parameter. This script can use the variables defined in under "parameter_x" and "length_parameter_x". |
length_formula_veriloga (optional) |
String |
A string containingVerilog-A secript which defines the waveguide length as wg_length, if "wg_length" is not defined as a parameter. This script can use the variables defined in under "parameter_x" and "length_parameter_x". For Verilog-A models only. |
number_of_taps_estimation |
string |
A string containing the method of choosing the number of taps for the FIR filter of the element. Valid entries are:
For more information please visit Time domain settings. |